- Background: Is there one ‘specific’ way to handle what my non-profit struggles with?
- How do we set-up our development function, how do we manage our staff to meet our mission?
- How do we help the board deal with strategic planning?
- How do we develop an active board?
- How do we eliminate the outdated non-profit mentality?
Resources: Development Services supplies the resources to help you gain perspective on how to handle some of the issues presented above. The following resources are available:
- Over 20+ plus years of executive management and development experience
- A CFRE experienced executive available to assist you with your direction
- Board training experience
- Experienced recruiting, hiring and development of staff
- Certified assessments to evaluate the potential staff as part of the hiring process and assistance determining how to best utilize existing staff
- Executive and team coaching for staff
- Strategic planning facilitation available to help the organization advance to a new level